Venus lodges mining lease over WA pick-and-shovel calcrete play

In a classic pick-and-shovel play, Venus Metals, through its wholly owned subsidiary Redscope Enterprises, has lodged a mining lease application for a calcrete resource at its Yuinmery project in Western Australia’s golden Murchison region.
A pick and shovel play is an age-old strategy for investing in tools and services an industry uses to produce a product, instead of the product itself. The term almost certainly has its origins in the lucrative trade of selling picks and shovels to the gold miners during the gold rush.
Fast forward 100 years, it’s now a strategy Venus has decided to include n its development plans for next year and beyond.
Notable for Venus, a mere 30km down the track from its latest lease application sits budding gold miner Rgoldmineres’ 2.3-million-ounce Youanmi gold project, which is moving further down the development track.
Calcrete is a natural form of calcium carbonate that can be used for acid neutralisation in the gold extraction process.
A historical mining lease covered a portion of the calcrete deposit from which just over 27,300 tonnes of calcrete was mined in 1996 and 1997 and then carted to the Youanmi gold mine as a substitute for lime.
Venus has the rights to explore and - on the granting of the application - mine calcrete under a split commodity arrangement with the tenement holder.
Management says at Redscope’s request, the tenement holder has applied for a mining lease to cover all the historical mining lease and over the additional area where the calcrete resource was identified.
The mining lease application covers the calcrete deposit formed within an ephemeral drainage delta on the western end of Lake Noondie. The creek system drains 50km off strike from the Youanmi Fault and the southwest end of the Sandstone greentstone belt, close to Venus’ Bellchamber gold deposit.
The overall calcrete horizon is about 5m thick with differing degrees of dissolution, recrystallisation and cementation.
In 1997, Gold Mines of Australia plunged 448 rotary air blast holes into the top two most prospective metres of the horizon outside of the existing pit. A total of 376 samples were tested for acid neutralising capacity. An acid volume of at least 4 millilitres is considered adequate for use in the Youanmi mill.
Based on historical drilling, Venus commissioned a mineral resource estimate for the Yuinmery calcrete deposit calculating more than 270,000t of calcrete, with an average acid neutralising capacity of 5.8ml.
While Rox Resources appears to be the intended customer for Venus’ foray into industrial minerals, its intentions are not altogether altruistic.
The company’s 30,500-ounce Bellchamber gold deposit sits 70km by road from Youanmi. Venus reported earlier this week its intention to push forward with the development of Bellchamber by lodging a 415-hectare mining lease over the deposit.
Gold production at Bellchambers dates back to 1908, with historical figures showing 3688 ounces extracted at an impressive average grade of 21 grams per tonne gold.
Interestingly, management at Venus says Rox has expressed an interest in negotiating a mine gate sale agreement.
While the discussion between Venus and Rox appear to be in their early days, Venus might have more than just a shovel and pick to sell Rox as both navigate the path towards gold production.
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