Sibling rivalry on show in big battle

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Camera IconShark Orry Lovell scored five tries for his team. Credit: Carly Laden

A classic case of sibling rivalry saw the young and energetic Sharks triumph over the Stingrays in the seventh round of touch football at Father McMahon Oval.

Sharks’ Orry and Sage Lovell took on their Stingrays brother Seth Lovell in a battle to determine who was superior.

It was an even start, with both teams matching each other try for try. That was until Orry Lovell broke through the gates in break-neck speed, building up to 7-3 lead at half time.

Orry was a clear standout in the first half with four tries to his name. His teammate and sister Sage scored a try for the Sharks, while brother Seth scored two for the Stingrays.

It was an intense start to the second half, with both teams ramping up the defensive pressure.


But once Shark Jordan Bacon got going, there was no stopping him as he scored six tries to extend the Sharks’ lead, playing an integral part in their 14-6 victory over the Stingrays.

In terms of the friendly competition between siblings, it was Orry Lovell who triumphed with a total of five tries while Seth Lovell scored four.

Elsewhere in division 1, the Runaways ran away with a 7-6 victory over ARAC Attack, the Bullets outran the Roey Roosters 7-6 and the Willie Creek Crocs managed a forfeit victory over the Stingers.

The Greenbacks also smashed the Bush Chooks 11-4, while the Scoregasms and Touchy Feely drew level with each other at seven-a-piece.

Meanwhile in division 2, the First National Rockets held off the Exploders 5-4, the Tide Runners scored a much-needed victory over The Animals 9-4 and Yippee Try Yay outlasted Touch It 5-4.

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