
Satanic sex cult symbols daubed

Glenn CordingleyBroome Advertiser

Creepy graffiti bearing the demonic symbols of a satanic sex cult are emerging in Broome, prompting a police investigation.

Broome resident Brian Philp raised the alarm on April 23 when a gate at his property and his car were daubed with shapes and figures associated with religion Ordo Templi Orientis and its founding “prophet” Aleistair Crowley.

The graffiti contained the Eye of Horus — an ancient Egyption symbol adopted by OTO said to represent the demon Horus watching over a future new world order — and 666, the numbers of the devil.

Crowley modelled himself as “the Great Beast 666” and revelled in his infamy as “the wickedest man in the world”.

“I did not know what this represented until someone told me,” Mr Philp said.

“Looking at the way this has been done, I would say it is the work of older people familiar with the cult. I would guess they are in their early 20s and they would have to have knowledge of this sect.”

Mr Philp said the graffiti was sprayed across footpaths, rubbish bins, the entrance to a nearby scout hall and another residential property.

More OTO symbols, including the Eye of Horus and 666, have been painted across a building door on the industrial estate in town and on Frederick Street.

“We have been made aware of the emergence of what could be classed as satanic-based graffiti in Broome,” Senior Sergeant Brendon Barwick said.

“We do not have information that would indicate cult or satanic patterns in Broome and there are limited investigation avenues at this time, pending CCTV footage.”

Snr. Sgt Barwick called on the public for assistance.

“I appeal to anyone with information to contact Broome police or Crime Stoppers immediately,” he said.

Crowley once famously bragged he wanted to be “Satan’s right hand man” and his form of worship involved sadomasochistic sex rituals with men and women, spells which he claimed could raise malevolent gods and the use of hard drugs, including cocaine and heroin.

His motto perpetuated by OTO was “do what thou wilt”.

He died in 1947, aged 72.

But the cult is snaring Hollywood stars and 24-year-old socialite Peaches Geldof is a devotee of OTO, with the initials tattooed on her left forearm.

Shire of Broome president Graeme Campbell said he was disappointed and upset.

“It is bad enough having this visually and legally unacceptable graffiti but to have undertones relating to anti-religion is very un-Broomelike,” he said.

OTO Australian Lodge grand secretary general Frater (Latin for Brother) Naga said the group had no members in Broome and never had any inquiries for membership from the town.

“Symbols by their very nature tend to be universal and can be interpreted or misinterpreted in a myriad of ways,” she said.

“While the symbols are used by our order we don’t have ownership of them. Graffiti tends to be the work of bored teenagers and posting graffiti or defacing public property is not something we would condone.”

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