Unchained malady

PHOEBE WEARNEBroome Advertiser

On the 100th day of the community blockade in opposition to the Kimberley gas hub, police took several hours to cut anti-gas protestor Guy Sullivan free from the axle of a Woodside vehicle, which he secured himself to after a Woodside convoy tried to proceed to James Price Point.

Celebration marking 100 days of the community blockade opposing the proposed Kimberley gas hub were put on hold last week when a man secured himself to the axle of a Woodside truck as the company’s convoy headed to work for the day.

Guy Sullivan, 25, is due to appear in court next month after locking on to the truck just after 9am at the Manari Road turnoff on Cape Leveque Road.

Police took several hours to cut through the lock-on device attaching Mr Sullivan to the truck.

He was charged with failing to obey an order given by a police officer and obstructing a police officer.


Protestors at the site claimed they only clashed with police when Woodside workers tried to commence work after they were promised they would not because of the celebrations.

The blockade, which has resulted in dozens of arrests, reached its 100-day milestone last Wednesday.

Woodside workers have been regularly stopped or delayed by people standing on the road in an effort to halt ongoing clearing works at James Price Point.

About 200 people attended a sunrise breakfast at the Manari Road blockade and travelled to watch traditional owners launch the Walmadan Tent Embassy.

Goolarabooloo senior law boss Joseph Roe lit the fire at the tent embassy with ash sent from the fire at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra, which has been burning for 40 years.

The original tent embassy, which resides on the lawn of Old Parliament House in Canberra, was set up to represent the political rights of Australian Aborigines.

Mr Roe’s mother, senior Goolarabooloo elder Teresa Roe, cut the ribbon declaring the Walmadan Tent Embassy open.

“We must hold this land we must hold for all of us,” Mr Roe said.

Traditional owner and academic Anne Poelina said the Walmadan tent embassy was of great significance because it was the first established outside of Canberra.

Dr Poelina said they had been given words of support by Michael Anderson, who founded the Aboriginal Tent Embassy.

She said the embassy had become necessary because the State and Federal Governments were not listening to people on the ground.

“The Kimberley people want to make a stand about this and it is important to signify why people are standing up for country,” Dr Poelina said.

“People are looking for open dialogue and open, honest conversations about how we move forward with sustainable development of the Kimberley.

“Here we are, 100 days, and all we see is nothing getting better.”

Anti-gas campaigner Nik Wevers said the 100-day milestone called for a celebration of the “extraordinary spirit and resolve” in the Broome community.

“We’re standing strong for this special place,” Ms Wevers said.

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