Broome Pride welcomes same-sex marriage vote

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Camera IconPearlesque Bells' Astyn Kirkby, Sam Tucker and Broome Pride president Lucy Falcocchio get ready for Mardi Gras 2017 earlier this year. Photo: Robert Dougherty Credit: Robert Dougherty

The gay and lesbian community in Broome has welcomed news that Australia supports changing the law to allow same-sex couples to marry.

Of those who expressed a view in the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey, 61.6 per cent supported changing the law to allow same-sex couples to marry and 38.4 per cent did not.

All states and territories recorded a majority Yes response.

Broome Pride president Lucy Falcocchio said the result was overwhelming.

“My initial reaction, I didn’t think it would get me this way but I actually got a bit emotional, it was overwhelming and I actually shed a tear,” she said.


“A big thank you to the yes voting community in this country because without them we would not be on the next step to equality in this country, and that’s a heartfelt thank you.”

Ms Falcocchio said her phone had not stopped ringing all morning and the Broome Pride group was planning a post vote party in celebration of the result.

“It’s overwhelming joy in that finally as far as legality, we’re finally going to be given the same rights as everyone in this country and the majority feels the same way,” she said.

“It was really great to know that the majority of Australia voted and believes too that we should have equal rights.”

“I don’t know of anyone that is rushing down the aisle, the laws aren’t in place yet but we did have on our group page there was a couple in Perth, who was planning their wedding sometime next year pending the outcome.”

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